I'm sorry. That was clickbait. There are no recordings of me on the phone with insurance, that I am aware of. And for that I am very thankful!

I'm embarrassed to admit that I've behaved, ahem, irrationally on the phone with my insurance company. Now that I'm older and have more emotional intelligence, I am much more patient with people working in call centers. They are humans working with pissed-off people all day long! The person answering the phone at your insurance company is no exception! They are not responsible for whatever outrageous, misleading insurance practice you may be calling about. If only they could transfer your call to the people who really are! The least we can do is be that calm, patient, appreciative caller who helps make their day okay.
Phone calls to my insurance company have been a frequent, dreaded reality during my time wearing hearing aids. I have never been able to rely on health insurance to cover my care, and learned it the hard way many times over.
The most ridiculous example I like to share is from 2009, before President Obama's Affordable Care Act. My employer-sponsored insurance plan wouldn't cover a dermatologist's office visit for me to to get acne medication because my hearing loss was considered a pre-existing condition! That is a very mild example of how infuriating insurance could be back then.
Hearing aids have been a significant strain on my finances, at a price of $5,000+ a pair every 3-5 years. Some lucky folks get insurance plans that cover hearing aids 100% but it can be an uphill battle to make your insurance fork over. No matter what plan you have, I recommend always checking your coverage online, by phone, and via your provider before committing to any expensive elective care.
Join this thread and share a challenge you've experienced with insurance! It doesn't have to be about hearing. Maybe we can learn from each other and avoid a big hit to our future finances!